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Why marriages are not lasting nowadays

 There are many complex and interconnected reasons why marriages may not be lasting as long as they used to. Here are some possible factors:

1. Changing social norms and expectations: With the rise of individualism and changing gender roles, people have more freedom to pursue their own goals and aspirations, which may not always align with their partner's.

2. Increased expectations: Many people now expect their partner to be their best friend, soulmate, and confidant, which can put a lot of pressure on the relationship.

3. Decreased commitment: With the rise of no-fault divorce and increased acceptance of divorce, people may be less likely to work through challenges and more likely to opt out of the marriage.

4. Financial stress: Economic pressures and debt can put a significant strain on relationships.

5. Lack of communication and conflict resolution skills: Couples may not have the skills or willingness to navigate conflicts and challenges together.

6. Changing definitions of commitment: With the rise of non-traditional relationships and alternative forms of commitment, people's understanding of what it means to be "committed" may be shifting.

7. Increased independence: With more women in the workforce and greater financial independence, people may feel less reliant on their partner for financial stability.

8. Social media and comparison: Social media can create unrealistic expectations and promote comparison, which can lead to dissatisfaction in relationships.

9. Mental health and wellness: Mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety, can impact relationships and contribute to divorce.

10. Lack of support systems: Couples may not have access to support systems, such as counseling, community, or family support, to help them navigate challenges.

Remember, every situation is unique, and there's no single reason why marriages may not be lasting. It's often a complex interplay of factors.

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